Time and cost of delivery
At Currahee, most products are made to order. While maintaining high quality and attention to detail, we consider our product our business card. In the case of a large number of orders, the waiting time for our products can take up to 14 days, but the average product delivery time is about 7 working days.

Transport abroad

- international shipments are sent by Poczta Polska, priority parcel, Package weight 2 kg, Declared value of the shipment: PLN 1,000.00, - approximate shipping costs:
Territory of Europe


postal parcel up to 2 kg

(Zone 1)

postal parcel up to 2 kg

(Zone 2)

postal parcel up to 2 kg

(Zone 3)

postal parcel up to 2 kg

(Zone 4)

postal parcel up to 2 kg

(Zone 5)

101,00 PLN 112,00 PLN 113,00 PLN 62,00 PLN 98,00 PLN


Territory of World


postal parcel up to 2 kg

(North America and Africa)

postal parcel up to 2 kg

(South America, central America, Asia)

postal parcel up to 2 kg

(Australia and Oceania)

135,00 PLN 136,00 PLN 184,00 PLN



The above prices were calculated as of July 28, 2024, based on the price list of Poczta Polska

- the detailed price list is available at: https://cennik.poczta-polska.pl/usluga,zagraniczny_paczka_pocztowa_z_zadeklarowana_wartoscia.html

 The Seller reserves the right to change shipping costs if the Poczta Polska shipment price list is changed.

 The shipping price does not include additional customs duties and taxes - if such fees occur, the Buyer covers them on his own, in his country, in accordance with Customs and Tax regulations.


Special orders

- a very large number of products

- personal product

- custom configuration

- the need to prepare the product quickly

Consult customer service by e-mail or telephone.